How to Prevent Your Drone from Flying Out of Range

Drones are becoming increasingly popular and it is easier than ever to buy a drone for use around the home. However, there are certain things that you need to be careful of when it comes to flying your drone.

A common mistake made by many people is not flying the drone far enough away from the person operating it. When this happens, the drone can fly even further and out of reach.

The only way to prevent a drone from flying out of range is by watching where you are flying and make sure that you have an adequate distance between yourself and the drone.

What Exactly Is the Range of Popular Drones?

The maximum range of a drone is typically around 1.5 miles to about 10 miles and the longest flight distance of a drone can be up to 10 miles.

The maximum range of popular drones vary depending on the drone model, battery, and flight mode.

DJI Inspire 2

The DJI Inspire 2 has a maximum range of 10 kilometers.

DJI Mavic Pro

The Mavic Pro has a maximum range of 7 kilometers and a flight time of 27 minutes with its propellers rotating up to 24000 RPM.

DJI Phantom 4

The Phantom 4 has a maximum range of 8 kilometers and a flight time of 28 minutes with its propellers rotating at 75000 RPM.

Range of Popular Drones

DJI Mini 210 km
DJI Mavic Air 211.42 miles
DJI Air 2S7.45 miles
DJI Inspire 24.3 miles
DJI Mavic 2 Pro5 miles
Autel Robotics EVO4.3 miles
DJI Mavic 2 Zoom4.97 Miles
Parrot Anafi2 miles
Ryze Tello330 feet

How to Prevent Your Drone From Flying Out of Range

To make sure that your drone stays within range without going out of sensor range, we have listed some important tips below to follow:

  1. To avoid losing your drone, make sure that you use a range extender. You can also use a range extender to increase the distance or reach of your drone.A range extender connects your drone to the controller and sends a signal from the controller to the drone so it never flies out of range.
  2. Keep your drone no higher than 400 feet above ground level
  3. Ensure that they are not in high-risk areas. This includes airports, tall buildings, or any other places where there’s a lot of people.
  4. You can use the “Return-to-Home” feature in your controller.
  5. You can set a perimeter around your house so that your drone can’t fly outside of this area.
  6. Set up a geofence around your home
  7. Never fly your drone further than 500 meters away from yourself; this is typically the maximum distance you can be detected by the controller.
  8. Turn on GPS on your phone so you know where the drone is at all times
  9. Set up flight restrictions so that no one but yourself can fly your drone outside its range

How to Keep Your Drone in Sight While You’re Flying It

Maintaining a line of sight with a drone is needed to make sure that you are safe and your device is functioning properly. Here are some tips on how to maintain line of sight:

  • Fly the drone in front of you for an easy way to see it.
  • Fly the drone at eye level or below, so that you are not blinded by sunlight or other light sources.
  • Avoid flying over people’s heads, as they may be startled by it.
  • Make sure that you are not too close or too far from it
  • Do not fly too high or low
  • Try and keep an eye on where the drone is flying
  • The best way to maintain a good line of sight is by using binoculars and other accessories such as optical filters which are capable of reducing the effects of haze or glare so you can see what’s happening around you.

What to do if you Drone goes out of Range

If you are flying your drone in a remote location and it is out of range, then the first thing to do is to find someone who can see your drone. If it will be that difficult for you to find a person or if you never know when it will happen again, then there are ways that you can prevent your drone from flying out of range.

You can try using the following options:

  1. First, take the drone out of flight mode and land the drone in an open area. Then make sure the battery is fully charged by plugging it into your charger. Make sure that no other functions on your drones are active so it doesn’t interfere with other devices.
  2. Next, try to lose height slowly and do not fly fast or high. The less speed you have, the lower chance your battery will be exhausted too quickly. Finally, if the battery still remains dead, charge your battery with a different power source like USB or a car charger until you get back home or to an open area where you can land safely.
  3. If your drone is in the air and you need to land, just stop flying and try to find an open area. If your camera is not recording any signals, or if the motors are not working at all, try to put it in a safe place where it will be more visible and will encourage people to help you out.
  4. If the battery starts getting low – try switching off the motors and continuing to fly with minimal power on the remote control until it runs out completely.
  5. If none of these options work, make sure that you stay calm. Try turning on your drone’s lights or landing gear for visibility purposes until someone spots you and helps you out.
  6. Get in touch with the company’s support team and ask them for suggestions
  7. One way to find your drone is by using a smartphone app that has been designed for this purpose. You can download apps like “Drone Gazer” or “UAV Finder” to help you locate your lost drone. These apps will also help you to keep track of where the drone is flying.
  8. Another way to locate the lost drone is by checking its last known location before it went out of range.
  9. You can change your drone’s location on the controller and see if it starts moving towards where you are located again.
  10. You can search for your drone using your phone’s GPS and see if you can pinpoint it on a map. This is more reliable because the signal from the controller often doesn’t reach over long distances.
  11. Contact local law enforcement if the loss was caused by an accident

Manually Landing your Drone

If your drone goes out of range, you have to manually land it. To do this, you will need to hover the drone at about a meter off the ground and press the button on top of it. Then, you will have to walk up to the drone and hit the red button on top of it again. This should bring it back into range and allow you to fly again.

If your device is not brought back into range after hovering for 45 seconds or more, land the device by following these steps:

1) Press down on each of four buttons and release them simultaneously;

2) Press throttle stick left;

3) Hold left rudder for 10 seconds or more;

4) Release throttle stick left;

Final Thoughts

In the near future, drones will be able to avoid obstacles and fly autonomously. As a result, they will be able to reach places where humans cannot currently travel.

The drone market is expected to grow exponentially in the next five years as it goes mainstream. The industry is going through a transition phase, and with advanced technological advancements, it can only go up from here.

So what are you waiting for? Get your drone flying today!

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